More than half a million hryvnias of income, the car and the icon. That has declared Finance Minister danyluk

Finance Minister Alexander danyluk announced its annual Declaration. So, in 2016 the official reported income totaling 514 761 UAH.
Wages danyluk amounted to 442 774 hryvnias, UAH 212 – interest on Bank Deposit, 71 805 UAH dividends.
According to the Declaration, Danilyuk declared 130 thousand dollars, and his wife of 17 thousand pounds in cash. Also on the Bank account of Olga danylyuk is 7600 pounds. The Minister of Finance has 1458 $ 3188 UAH in the Bank. 53 thousand dollars, the official lent to third parties.
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Also the Declaration States that in 2016 it spent 202 107 thousand training in Ukraine and 208 428 UAH in the UK.
Among the valuable movable property danyluk said car BMW X5 worth 100 thousand dollars. The Minister of Finance declared silver Swiss watches Sector Watch and Athos Icon of St. Nicholas the 20th century.
Note, it has a land area of 984 sq m and a residential house with an area of 290 sq. m in Kiev region the Cherries.
Earlier, their declarations were published by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko, the people’s Deputy Oleg Lyashko, the head of national Bank Valeria Gontareva and Minister of energy and coal industry of Ukraine Igor Nasalik.