Wainaina. The first and last interview with the Colonel of the SBU, which the terrorists blew up in Mariupol

The agreed truce on the front in the Donbas since April 1 never happened. The militants are constantly shelling the positions of Ukrainian military. Over the past day 37 of attacks from anti-tank missile system, grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and small arms. Four Ukrainian soldiers wounded.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.Week.
Russia, meanwhile, deploys a war of terror in Ukraine. The explosions are heard already deep in the rear, and on the streets of the frontline cities.
On Friday, just in the center of Mariupol blew up a car, at the wheel which was the Colonel of the SBU Alexander Kharaberyush, head of the counterintelligence Department in the Donetsk region. He is from Donetsk. Unlike many of his colleagues the oath has not changed. Even became one of the key figures in the struggle against Russian aggression. Personally participated in the arrest of several sabotage groups in Mariupol. Stopped those who blew up the checkpoints and induces artillery on the village of Sartana. Former colleagues traitors in Donetsk publicly threatened to Alexander. In particular, the infamous ringleader of the group “East” Khodakovsky. It is clear that Alexander avoided publicity. But today we can talk about it first and his last gave an interview with the program TSN.Tigny on the site of a terrorist attack. I feel like he described the psychological portrait of his would-be murderers. This may be the key to finding criminals.
“Terrorism is not just people with explosives, it is the agitation. The majority of people we’ve arrested, have problems with self-actualization, want to rise in their own eyes. We carefully select the category of flawed people, and start some kind of terrorist action”, – said the head of the counterintelligence Department of SBU in Donetsk region Alexander Kharaberyush.
He advised civilians “not to panic, not to believe in some obscure TV channels, not to believe that everything is bad. Because, believe me, the work is done, and we will win, Ukraine win.”