Without housing and more than half a million hryvnias of income: declared that Parubiy

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy paruby for 2016 declared 537 469 UAH revenue, UAH 423 188 of which is salary.
This is stated in the Declaration.
Also 170 thousand hryvnias of ensuring Deputy activity, 168 thousand hryvnia – compensation of the cost of a hotel accommodation “Kiev”, and 10,8 thousand UAH of insurance payments.
The speaker uses the apartment with an area of 41.68 per sqm, which is owned by the Executive Committee of the Lviv city Council, as well as another apartment in Lviv area 142,60 square meters, owned by his parents. However, Parubiy has only the Suzuki SX-4 production year: 2013.
See also:
Wheelchair for 100 thousand UAH and UAH 38 mn cash: declared that Kernes
In turn, the wife of the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada last year earned 17,888 thousand hryvnia. It has a land area of 1 100 sq m, the apartment (21,6 sq. m), dwelling house (32 sq m) and Peugeot 508 2014 release.
Bank deposits in the family do not exist.
We will remind, last year in the Declaration , the VR speaker, stated his salary and wife. So, for the year Parubiy earned 78 122 USD salary, his wife was 28.3 thousand. At the same time, Parubiy received reimbursement for costs associated with the implementation of parliamentary powers, payment of travel and hotel rooms in Kiev – a total of almost 270 thousand hryvnias.