Provocation by Zaitsev: action “tease” military small arms

The military on the front line don’t remember what the account mode quiet because now the militants. They stopped counting long ago, because the promise to cease fire with the Russians and their allies-separatists do not have the slightest sense, says the story TSN.19:30.
A tense situation is near Avdeevka, WCT and Butovka. There on Monday, the Ukrainian army suffered losses artillery strike was killed by the military.
Compared to neighbors, in Zaytsevy silence reigns – working machines and machine guns of the military also do not believe for something important. “We do not respond to provocations, but the provocations are. Artillery is not working, thank God. Small arms works without aiming, but very massive,” – said the press officer of the APU Tatiana Zaritskaya.
The TSN reporter Eugene Zvecanska