The conflict in the leadership of NAPC could cripple anti-corruption framework for a few months

Strife in the National Agency for prevention of corruption has resulted in mutual accusations of the President Natalia Korchak and her subordinates Ruslan and Ruslan Radetsky of Ryaboshapka of sabotage and professional failure. At the meeting first tried to stay within the official records, however, even the presence of journalists in the end were not kept of members of the NAPC from the showdown, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The highlight of the event was the document Radetzky and Ryaboshapko about the voluntary resignation of the head of NAPC Natalia Korchak. Both are members of the Agency have been trying to put Korczak and take turns to lead the Department. The regulations issued so that the head itself must vote on a question about his resignation and the quarterly rotation of Executive positions members of the Agency. However, Korczak demonstratively left the meeting. “I’ll take my independence for two years. No need to pressure – neither the Prime Minister nor the President, nor you,” she said. Opponents only stated that the head continuously rises and goes, only things aren’t going the way she wants.
On Wednesday at a meeting of the Cabinet needs to consider changes to the law on the NAPC. If the Verkhovna Rada approved the new composition may be elected within three months. In any case, it is obvious that the work of the NAPC through the discord currently paralyzed.
The TSN correspondent Olga Vasilevskaya