The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine published the full text of the Memorandum with the IMF

The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine published the full text of the Memorandum with the International monetary Fund in the Ukrainian language.
The document consists of 34 pages, it is accompanied by a letter to the managing Director of the Fund Christine Lagarde dated March 2, 2017.
The letter was signed by the President Petro Poroshenko, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groisman, Minister of Finance Alexander Danilyuk and head of the NBU Valeria Gontareva.
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Among the conditions for cooperation with the IMF identifies pension reform, giving more powers to the NAB, the lifting of the moratorium on sale of agricultural land. Also, the Fund expect restructuring “of the debt of Yanukovych”.
Ukrainomania the text of the Memorandum Ukraine s IMF from tsnua