Bezviz for Ukraine: European Parliament decision removes artificial barriers – Ministry of foreign Affairs

Ukraine welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament of the legislative proposal to liberalize the visa regime for Ukrainian citizens.
This is stated in the commentary of the MFA of Ukraine on the approval of the European Parliament of the proposal for the granting Ukraine visa-free regime.
“The broad support for this solution among all the leading forces of the EP is a recognition of Ukraine’s progress in implementing large-scale reforms, in particular in the field of fight against corruption, human rights, border management and migration. Ukraine is determined to continue the comprehensive reforms and hopes for further support from the European Union”, – reads the statement of Ukrainian diplomats.
The decision of the European Parliament is an important step towards Ukraine’s integration with the EU, elimination of artificial barriers to contacts between people, the development of economic and scientific cooperation, cultural exchange.
The foreign Ministry expects that the EU Council will make a final decision in the coming weeks, which will allow Ukrainian citizens to take advantage of the visa-free travel to the EU during the current summer holidays.
See also:
President of European Parliament congratulated Ukrainians with bezveza
We will remind, during a meeting of the European Parliament in Strasbourg MEPs voted in favor of granting citizens of Ukraine the right to enter the EU without visas. For a decision voted 521 MEP, against 75, 36 deputies abstained.
On the eve till late in the evening continued the debate about bezveza – officials acknowledged that the Ukrainians fulfilled all the requirements to get the opportunity to travel to the EU freely.
Visa-free regime does not give the right to live or work permanently in the EU. It is valid only for short trips. Also to travel to Europe without a visa, you need to have the passport of the new sample — with the biometric chip.