The vital interests of the United States: trump explained a missile attack on a military base in Syria

The US President Donald trump said that a missile attack on the basis of the Syrian army in HOMS was estimated on the basis of “vital US security interests”.
About it reports Associated Press.
The head of the United States urged “all civilized Nations” to join the United States, “to put an end to the massacre in Syria.” He said that Washington must “contain and prevent the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons,” which, according to him, no doubt using the Syrian authorities.
.@Trump POTUS delivers statement on targeted, military strike on airfield in #Syria from where the chemical attack was launched.
— Department of State (@StateDept) 7 Quine 2017 R.
The President made a short statement to the press, confirmed the reports that the United States on Thursday attacked a military base in Western Syria in response to chemical attack in Idlib. According to us authorities, about 60 Tomahawks were fired from warships in the Mediterranean sea on the airfield in HOMS province. The report notes that, according to the United States, flew the aircraft the Syrian air force used to use of chemical weapons.
See also:
Clinton urged to bomb airfields Assad in Syria
We will remind that earlier the US President Donald trump said that he is considering a military response to a chemical attack in Syria.
About it reports CNN with reference to own sources.
“The source said that the President has not yet made a firm decision, but said that he had discussed possible action with the Pentagon chief by Mattis”, – stated in the message.
According to the source channel, trump relied on the opinion of the head of the Pentagon.
We will remind, the Syrian Idlib came under a gas attack: among the dozens of the dead are children. According to recent reports, killed at least 72 people. During the air strikes was released toxic gas. For gas many people uduvilaa or fainted, some of his mouth was foaming.
However, according to others, the dead may be about a hundred wounded – more than 150. Sources among physicians and other activists have confirmed that one of the suburbs of Khan Shaykhun was shelled with a material similar to gas. It causes suffocation and other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, narrowing of the retina, pallor, and General spasm.
In the Russian defense Ministry said that the chemical attack in Syria in Khan Sheyhun arose because of a gas leak in the warehouses of the Syrian rebels after they were fired by the aircraft of the Syrian government.