In Moldova earned an analogue of the Ukrainian ProZorro

In Moldova pilot earned system public e-procurement M-Tender, which is built by analogy with the Ukrainian ProZorro.
About this on his page in Facebook said the Deputy Minister of economic development and trade Maksim Nefedov.
According to him, the launch of e-procurement was preceded by several months of negotiations, training and implementation.
See also:
NABOO, ProZorro and patrol. The Council boasted results
Moldova has adopted the principles of Ukrainian ProZorro code Central database and modified certain points to suit your needs.
“Now, “all see all”, “Golden triangle partnership” and the system CDB-site works from the neighbors,” wrote Nefedov.
Deputy Finance Minister of Moldova Iurie Cicibaba in the commentary edition of the Moldovan InfoMarket reported that the e-procurement system M-Tender connected 7 government agencies, it involves 19 procedures and has already carried out 13 public procurement.
“Soon will be connected to it and the private sector, and civil society”, – said the Deputy Minister.
We will remind, thanks to the system of public e-procurement ProZorro in 2016, Ukraine has managed to save 8 billion UAH of budget funds. According to Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman, the money saved enables you to direct the money saved for other needs of the state. In addition, the system of open bidding allows you to identify and eliminate corruption schemes.