Company Royal House received the highest European quality assessment at the International BID Quality Convention

Company news
Group of companies Royal House won the “International star for leadership in quality”. The award ceremony was held on 9 April 2017 in Paris in the framework of the International Convention “International BID Quality Convention”.
“We are very pleased to receive the “International star for leadership in quality”. For the group of companies Royal House it is a great honor to represent the Ukrainian construction industry in Paris. We are proud that our efforts to introduce quality standards of our products were highly appreciated by the international community. On behalf of the company I want to thank the Business Initiative Directions for the recognition of our achievements in the field of quality management system (Quality Culture). Company Royal House will continue to promote the Quality Culture in the field of real estate and real estate development in Ukraine. I would also like to thank all the staff of our company is our common success!”, – shares his impressions Ruslan Grabko, Director of sales and marketing GK “Royal House”.
Leadership in business, quality and performance, the prestige of the brand, technology and innovation – these are the criteria of selection, which fully complies with the Royal House, and according to which selects the winners of the respected international jury.
It is worth noting that the international Convention on quality for over 35 years recognizes the best global companies and identifies leaders in quality. Annually based on the assessment previously awarded companies, as well as a vote at a Convention in new York, London, Paris, Geneva, Frankfurt and Madrid, a competent jury decides who is worthy of the award. Currently, B. I. D. is a leading non-government organization, presenting the prize for the quality management of the company. The principles of Quality by B. I. D. are in line with the principles of management, Edward Deming in Japan, Malkom of Baldridge in the United States and a Model of business perfection EFQM in Europe.
Recall, the Royal House – the only in Ukraine manufacturer of patented wall modules TM Royal House with energy efficient insulation system that exceeds the Ukrainian standards of energy saving by 20% and corresponds to the European. The modules are manufactured at its own factory in the Kiev region, which guarantees high quality of the finished product, because the production process is controlled by specialists of the Royal House at each stage.
Modules TM Royal House is being built in Kiev city in the city “New England”. March 25, 2017 within the framework of the National award “person of the year 2016” residential complex was awarded in the nomination “energy efficient Ukraine.”