Lesson of diplomacy from the Russian Ambassador to the UN: “Look at me! You’re eyes take?”

Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vladimir Safronkov broke during a meeting of the UN security Council, which considered a new resolution against Syria.
During the debate the UK representative to the UN Matthew Rycroft said that Russia abuses its veto, maintaining the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his army use chemical weapons.
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“Who taught you manners”. Lavrov was back in embarrassment to journalists
It Safronkov said that Britain feared that Russia and the U.S. can cooperate. In the process of the monologue, the Russian Ambassador went on.
“Are you afraid, lost sleep, that we will cooperate with the United States. You’re afraid of. All done to ensure that this interaction was undermined… Look at me, the eyes do not take you eye bends?” — Safronkov said, referring to Raycroft.
See also:
Russia needs to stop covering the crimes of the Assad – Russia’s permanent representative to the UN
“You said today, Mr. Rycroft not on the agenda of the meeting, insulted Syria, Iran, Turkey, and other Nations. Mr. Chairman, please follow the order of development of the meeting, if some irresponsible, abusive, stumbling slang to relate to their place in the UN Security Council. Don’t you dare insult Russia anymore!” — concluded his speech the Russian Ambassador.
Note that the UN security Council never adopted a resolution on Syria. Russia used its right of veto and blocked the draft resolution the US, Britain and France on alleged chemical attack in Syria. The document was supported by 10 members of the security Council. In addition to Russia, against the resolution voted Bolivia. China, Ethiopia and Kazakhstan abstained from voting.