“With a new passion”. In the Network laugh at Putin, who came to worship with Sobyanin

Netizens reacted to the jokes on participation in the Easter service Russian President Vladimir Putin, which took place in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. In particular amused users, the main Russian policy came in pairs – Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with his wife, and Putin was accompanied by Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin.
The Ministry Medvedev came with his Fotini, and Putin, as usual, with his Sobyanin pic.twitter.com/brhuR6AzbG
— Glupov (@GradGlupov) April 15, 2017.
Nick put on Sobyanin handkerchief, and called “new passion” of Putin. “Everyone has their own Photinia”, write online and say it’s not the worst choice of companion.
“Well at least not with Kadyrov came…” – write in social networks.
@golub pic.twitter.com/p4JG2PCoR0
Cossack Mamay (@kozak_24) 16 APR 2017
Also got from users Medvedev’s wife Svetlana, whom the Reuters photographer was caught with a weird expression between husband and Putin.
— Mikhail Golub (@golub) April 15, 2017.
@golub pic.twitter.com/hG6jXYcImt
— SlovoDelo (@MoRyAhYeK) 16 APR 2017
@golub @GospodinDojdy pic.twitter.com/sqWWfyIR2A
— The order of the Oligarch (@Yug_Rom) 16 APR 2017
@golub pic.twitter.com/7hqqc7oEHB
Planet Binarium (@EbanariumPlanet) 16 APR 2017
Easter in Russia pic.twitter.com/UKciahwgCt
— enemies over the hill (@Lndcalling) 16 APR 2017
People shit and prank their shit. pic.twitter.com/LNYFr950Vg
— Voice of Mordor (@spacelordrock) April 15, 2017.