Cliche was tortured to knock out the testimony of the “participation” of the opposition in the Chechen war – the mother of the political prisoner

Ukrainian political prisoner of the Kremlin Stanislaus Cliche tortured in a Russian prison, to clear the readings that the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk and the leader of the party “Freedom” Oleg Tyagnibok fought in Grozny against the Federal forces of the Russian Federation during the first Chechen war 1994-1995.
This was stated by the mother of Cliche Tamara Klyh, writes “Gordon”.
“Son brutally tortured, but he did not testify that they wanted. And they wanted to Stas signed a piece of paper, saying, I saw Yatsenyuk and Tyahnybok in Chechnya. Son for 10 months, tortured. They beat and beat out the necessary evidence, the living space is not left,” – said Tamara Klyh.
She added that her son wanted to kill himself. “Mom, are you kidding me I don’t care if I live or dead,” said the woman.
She stressed that “after the torture my son refused the psyche“.
See also:
Cliche was transferred to the colony, where during Soviet times, political prisoners were kept
Recall, R, a Russian Prosecutor demanded to plant Karpuk at 22.5 years, and Cliche – for 22 years. On 19 may 2016 , the jury recognized Karpyuk and Cliche guilty. Protection of Ukrainians believe that the jury was pressured. The Ministry of justice said that immediately after sentence begins the procedure of extradition of the Ukrainians.
Case Karpyuk and Cliche fabricated by the Russian investigative Committee and it appears the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Lawyer Ilya Novikov released new details about, in his words, “this sordid history.” In it Russia officially declares that in ‘ 94 Yatsenyuk was nicknamed “fighter Arsen”, fought in Chechnya against Russian troops with Musiccom Alexander, known as Sasha White, and former head of the Lviv organization UNA-UNSO Andriy Shkil and, in fact, now defendants in Chechnya Ukrainians – Karpyuk and Klahom.
On the eve of the judicial Board on criminal cases of the Supreme court of Russia affirmed the sentence of Ukrainianswho have been unlawfully convicted and dismissed the appeal.