Kiev warn of traffic restrictions on the bridge over Rusanovsky canal

In Kiev from 09:00 to 18:00 on April 19 in connection with the repair of expansion joints on the bridge over Rusanovsky canal linking Rusanivska embankment with Raisy Okipnoy St., will be restricted traffic in the location of work.
This was reported in the press service of Kyiv city state administration with reference to the KK “kievavtodor.”
In the municipal Corporation urged drivers to be sensitive to temporary inconveniences associated with the repair, and asked to choose other routes.
We will remind, security service of Ukraine together with the Prosecutor General’s office exposed the embezzlement of the state budget “Kievavtodor” hundreds of millions of hryvnia. As a result of the searches, which lasted from the morning in the company offices, seized documents, confirming the unlawful activities and also the technique in which produced bogus contracts.