The NAB is investigating fifty cases of corrupt thefts in the state. Infographics

The national anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine is investigating almost 320 proceedings with respect to corruption and 49 of them relate to illegal withdrawal of money from public companies.
“In sight of the detectives are 35 state enterprises, 15 of which in terms of assets included in the top 100 public companies, according to the Ministry of economic development and trade. According to preliminary estimates, total losses caused by these businesses due to the criminal corruption offenses more than 20 billion hryvnia. The most “corrupt” are the companies that relate to fuel and energy, agro-industrial, mining and metallurgical complexes, chemical industry, transport industry,” said NABU.
Suspicion of defrauding the state-owned enterprises announced to 78 persons, most of whom were middle managers and senior managers.
Detectives NABOO and prosecutors of Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office filed 24 cases related to the activities of state-owned companies. The total size of the object of the crime in these cases is more than 1.5 billion, and indictments made against 41 persons.
In the NEB concluded that in the year 2016 on account of the state enterprises managed to return 116 million UAH, which before was withdrawn due to corruption schemes. Detectives are also warned of theft in another state-owned companies more than half a billion hryvnia.
“The largest public response during the past year was due to the investigations of such companies as “Ukrgasdobycha”, “Zaporozhyeoblenergo”, “State food and grain Corporation”, “Odessa port plant”, “United mining and chemical company”, “Zaporizhzhya titanium and magnesium plant” and others. All detectives of the National anti-corruption Bureau carried out pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings 319 (as on 31.03.2017). The total size of the object of crimes that were investigated, more than 85 billion hryvnia,” – said in NABOO.
Earlier , Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman reported that the loss of all SOEs reached 82 billion hryvnia.