In Vladivostok the girl behind the wheel of a Mercedes smashed 11 parked cars

A young resident of Vladivostok driving a Mercedes Benz lost control and damaged 11 cars, according to the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Primorsky territory.
“It is established that 22-the summer inhabitant of Vladivostok – the driver of the car Mercedes Benz, moving from Nekrasovskaya to the side of the ring,” Tool factory “, not lost control and collided with parked cars along the road. Injured in a car accident there, 11 cars received mechanical damages, ” – said in the message.
The girl behind the wheel of a spoiled 11 cars in Vladivostok #Владивосток
— Vladivostok news (@vvnews777) 23 APR 2017
A medical examination showed the absence of alcohol in the blood of motorists. At the time of the accident driving experience girl was 2 years, this year to administrative responsibility for traffic violations she was not involved.
The police are checking.