The NAB is investigating 40 production by results of check of e-declarations, – Sytnik

Currently, the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine is investigating 40 productions on the results of verification of electronic declarations.
This was stated by the head of the NABOO Sytnyk at the meeting with representatives of the European business Association.
Earlier, Artem Sytnik said that losses from corruption in Ukraine has reached 80 billion hryvnia.
The Bureau also added that currently arrested on 4 billion UAH.
“But in order to return these funds to the state should the court decision”, – said Sytnik.
We will remind, earlier on the website of the National Agency on corruption prevention appeared electronic Declaration of the Director of NABU Artem Sytnik, which deals with the acquisition of KIA Sportage 2017 issue worth more than 800 thousand hryvnia.
The head of the Bureau explained that I bought the vehicle on their own savings, plus the proceeds from the sale of the old machine.
In an interview with TSN Sytnik told what kind of relationship it has with the GPU and SAP, at what stages are high-profile cases and why not consider an outrageous salary in 300 thousand hryvnias for judges of the constitutional court.