In Kiev detained the man, who twice a week “mined” metro station “Heroes of Dnepr”

In Kiev detained “miner” of the Moscow subway, which warned of “the threat of explosion” at the metro station “Heroes of Dnepr”.
This was reported in the capital Department of communication of the police.
“This 36-year-old local resident, who has mental health problems, previously brought to criminal liability for committing similar crimes”, – said the head of police in the Metropolitan Vitaly Bykov.
As noted, the militiamen detained the malefactor near the pay phone in the Dnipro district of the capital.
Currently, investigators began criminal proceedings for knowingly false report about the threat of safety of citizens, “minerals” threatens till 6 years of imprisonment.
We will remind, the message that at the metro station “Heroes of Dnepr” laid the explosives, was reported to the police on Saturday, April 22, and Tuesday, April 25. Because of “mining” the station was closedand passengers had to walk from the metro station “Minsk”.