The simpsons gave their verdict first 100 days trump in power

On Saturday, April 29, will be 100 days from the beginning of the reign of the President of the United States Donald trump after his inauguration.
In November 2016, the creators of the animated series “the Simpsons” has provided the victory of Donald trump in US elections.
See also:
Already not Pro-Putin and a blow to al-Assad. 100 days trump in US foreign policy
Thus, the “yellow friends” now gave his assessment of trump’s approach to power. And they did it in a rather hard manner.
In particular, in one episode Sean Spicer died, trump got 700 new followers, and his daughter was headed by the Supreme court. One of the main characters Marge over drugs, and the grandfather of the family was deported.
Recall that during the first 100 days of the reign of Donald trump in the media repeatedly was laughing through the behavior of the leader of the state, officials from his entourage and even the first lady Melania. TSN.ia made a selection of the most amusing incidents of the new American government.