In Kiev before the “Eurovision” for the first time in 52 years washed bronze Lysenko

On the eve of Eurovision in the capital have decided to wash the monument to the outstanding composer Nikolay Lysenko. This procedure took place for the first time in 52 years, according to a story TSN.19:30.
General cleaning in close proximity to the National Opera staged by the local authorities and one of the cleaning companies. Cleaned the composer with the help of a crane and high-pressure apparatus. So as not to damage the granite and bronze the surface of the monument, cleaners worked without any chemicals – using only water and brushes.
After Lysenko was washed and the singing fountain at the Theatre square. Ten layers of lime and rust I had to clean the chemicals and professional cleaning equipment. Passers-by said to take care of the monuments need more and set the example of the monument Skillet that is cared for by students of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Kiev is also said that events similar in scale to the “Eurovision”, we need to do regularly – then, they say, the city will be cleaner.