Why vegetables are becoming more expensive. Farmer cited three reasons

Products to the Ukrainian borsch in April broke the record for the price. It is stated in the story TSN.Week.
So, the small potatoes went to the supermarket to four hryvnia per kilo, and became six. Cabbage rose in price from 5 to 13 UAH per kilogram. Beets – four had jumped to eight hryvnia, and onions – 3.5 UAH rose to seven UAH. Carrot has risen from six to 14 UAH.
Agricultural specialized publications write that because of the shortage of last year’s crop vegetables borscheva set jumped in price. Carrots, cabbage, potatoes, beets, we buy abroad for hard currency. For example, from the European Union. In the agricultural Ministry claimed that Ukraine had significantly more yield. We are talking about cabbage, onions, beets and carrots, which collected 20% more.
However, farmers claim that the cows fed on vegetables because of the reluctance of suppliers to buy their products, as well as problems with inefficient distribution systems from field to table. “Before, it was easier – we were grown, sold everything with wheels. Why? When there were no supermarkets, people tried doing an inventory. Went. Everyone knew that in the autumn it is necessary to buy cabbage, onions, carrots, hide in the cellar and the man kept. It was right-side up. And now people are relaxed – he went to the supermarket, bought quickly. Why poles come here? They have their own store. They own the store, once opened, the volume delivered and sold to the supermarkets,” – said Vasily Mishchenko, owner of an agricultural firm.
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Now the farmer has been actively purchasing expensive equipment and seeds. For example, the irrigation system costs 180 thousand euros, vegetable seeder – 1,7 million UAH. Seeds is imported, so it’s worth 4 thousand hryvnias for the Bank. Carrots in the same field planted per hectare. To black sheep in every it has an average of 80 tons to 300 thousand pots of soup. However, the problem – third of the crop under threat, because the word “distribution” in Ukrainian farms to get it.
It should be added that recently Mishchenko cows milked 140 tons of unsold cabbage, which is 700 thousand pots of soup. Luke, that was not included on the Ukrainian shelves, it would be soup whole Kharkov. Beet that is frozen in the warehouses would be enough for the soup the whole Odessa. And that’s just in one household.
However, there is a problem with people. Farmer Mishchenko brings workers from different areas. The businessman complains that people prefer to go to work abroad. Another enemy of the Ukrainian borsch – powerless Ukrainian Academy of agrarian Sciences, which is not able to develop new seeds for the fields.
Maria Adamski.