New social protection of ATO soldiers: 15-thousand wages and a 50 percent discount on utilities

President Petro Poroshenko has approved the increase in social security combatants. Changes ensure the increase of surcharges to the basic income on the front line troops, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The allowance will increase to 7,5 thousand hryvnias, so the soldiers at the front will receive no less than 15 thousand a month. Up to 1.4 million UAH will increase monetary compensation to the families for the death of the military in battle. From 400 to 640 thousand UAH thousand UAH will increase compensation in case of disability of the first group.
The family of the participant of military operations the state guarantees the free receipt of medicines, medical services, as well as a 50 percent discount on utilities. The President also noted the need to improve the quality of rehabilitation of wounded soldiers. “We need to do to ATO veterans had the opportunity to receive quality rehabilitation, medical and psychological, in the school the best type,” – said Poroshenko.