The foreign Ministry reacted to the decision of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe regarding the Crimea

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe reiterated that the position regarding the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.
This was stated by the foreign Ministry of Ukraine in the corresponding comments.
“May 3, 2017, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted a decision on the situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol (Ukraine), which was the first comprehensive document the main governing body of the Council of Europe dedicated strictly to the Crimean issue. The Committee of Ministers once again confirmed that the position regarding the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders,” – said in a statement.
Ukrainian diplomats are convinced that it is important that the Committee of Ministers of the COE, as earlier, the UN General Assembly recognized the responsibility of Russia in accordance with international humanitarian law and international law in the field of human rights and urged the Russian authorities to fulfil their obligations in full.
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“Along with such human rights violations like restricting freedom of speech and peaceful Assembly, freedom of religion and belief, there are repressions against national minorities, in particular Crimean Tatars. The so-called decision of the Supreme court in occupied to the Crimea on the recognition of the Mejlis an extremist organization and ban its activities had also caused the condemnation of the Committee of Ministers. Consequently, the document contains a clear requirement of the Russian Federation to take all measures to ensure human rights in Crimea, including the judicial review of the ban of the Mejlis,” – said in comments.
The foreign Minister noted that one of the Central provisions of Decision is a call to provide unimpeded access to human rights mechanisms of the Council of Europe, in particular its high Commissioner for human rights in the temporarily occupied the Peninsula for monitoring the observance of human rights in accordance with their mandate.
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“We believe that the presence of international Convention and institutional monitoring bodies on the territory of occupied Crimea in a rapidly deteriorating situation with human rights is of vital and urgent. In this context it is important to appeal to the Council of Europe Commissioner for human rights, which today is the only international organization that has carried out a monitoring visit to the territory of temporarily occupied Crimea in September 2014, to continue to monitor the situation on the Peninsula”, – stated in the message of the ISM.
“The considered decision of the Committee of Ministers as one of the elements of a comprehensive response by the international community for the criminal actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. This solution undoubtedly strengthens the position regarding the Crimea, expressed last year in the UN General Assembly Resolution 71/205 “the Situation with human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)”, and introduces the Council of Europe to implement this resolution,” – said in comments.
The foreign Ministry concluded that “we also believe that the document adopted today is one of the major contributions of the Council of Europe to promote democratic security in Europe and defending the fundamental values and principles of the Organization of the protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.”
The Verkhovna Rada officially declared on 20 February 2014 the beginning of the annexation of the Crimea.
March 16, 2014 on the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol was the so-called referendum on the status of the Peninsulaby results of which Russia included the Crimea in its composition. Neither Ukraine nor the European Union nor the United States did not recognize the vote and believe that Russia illegally annexed the Crimea.
Justice Minister Pavel Petrenko said that Ukraine has collected enough evidence to support the planned preparation of Russia for the annexation of the Crimea in 2013.