Poroshenko announced the creation of a Memorial to Ukrainian heroes

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko supported the initiative of creating a Memorial to Ukrainian heroes on the right Bank of the Dnieper, during your treatment on the day of memory and reconciliation.
“The feat of our winners who are defending Ukrainian land from the Russian aggressors will live always. And for its perpetuation, I signed a decree on creation of the Memorial of Ukrainian heroes who gave their lives for freedom, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state “, – said Poroshenko.
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According to the President of Ukraine, it was recently approached by dozens of civil organizations of veterans of the ATO, which presented their vision of the memorial complex.
“According to the authors of the appeal, the memorial should be located in a historic place, I would like to quote: “It should be a large area, open space, where people could not only put flowers or wreaths, but also to spend some time to think, to remember and to comprehend past, present and look to the future “. And here today we have representatives of public organizations came to me and I am very grateful to you. Grateful for the initiative and emphasize that, in General, agree with the approach you suggested,” – said Poroshenko.
We will remind, Ukraine in 2015 celebrates the Day of memory and reconciliation on may 8. Until recently, at the official level were noted only on the occasion of Victory Day on 9 may, however, in 2014, began when the Russian intervention, official events on the occasion of the end of world war II in Europe and the victory over Nazism took place two days – 8 and 9 may.