After sexual harassment by fighters of “DNR” refused to meet with OSCE

Militants groups “DNI” repeatedly refused meetings with the OSCE observers after the incident of sexual harassment.
It is reported with reference to the press service of the mission.
“In Donetsk, a senior-ranking member of the “DNR” has repeatedly refused to meet with the team at SMM,” said the OSCE.
While captured by the militants of the “LPR” in Luhansk, a meeting was held between mission staff and the senior ranking member of the group. However, he was not informed of any measures on elimination of violations recorded by the observers.
See also:
Degradation of women: Gerashchenko called sexism a signature mark of the militants
We will remind, the OSCE special monitoring mission said about sexual abuse by armed men in ORDO against a member of the patrol mission are female. The woman was subjected to sexual harassment by men armed with assault rifles (AK-47), who threatened that will not allow the patrol Mission to move eastward from Peter to Sochi, while his demands are not met. The patrol left the area by another route and JCCC informed about what happened.