The streets of Kiev would close for drivers and pedestrians. Map

A number of the streets of Kiev blocked due to the celebration of the 72th anniversary of the victory over Nazism in the Second world war. About it reports a press-service Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine.
Temporary restrictions will be introduced for both vehicles and pedestrians. May 9 07:00 to 15:00 will be limited movement of vehicles in both directions at these sites:
- Hrushevskoho street (from the lane of the Serf to the square of the Arsenal);
- street Moscow (from Klovsky descent to Piazza Arsenal);
- lavrska street;
- square Glory.
- the street;
- alley of Heroes of Kruty;
- lane Tapicernia;
- St. Omelyanovich-Pavlenko (from Slavy square to the street Levandovsky);
- lane Batysheva (from Slavy square to the street Levandovsky);
- lane Lavra;
- tsitadelnaya str (from the streets of Leipzig to the Lavra).
The press service of the MIA of Ukraine
Map of picrite movement
Police urge residents and visitors to the city to be sensitive to temporary inconveniences, to plan routes and to comply with the requirements of the SDA.
As powdersmoke earlier, on 9 may, the security in Kiev will be watched by about 7 thousand militiamen. The city is waiting for problems during a March “Immortal regiment”, which is associated with the anti-Ukrainian forces.