Key steps of Ukraine towards bezveze. Infographics

Today, may 11, the Council of Ministers of the European Union adopted the final decision on grant Ukrainians the right to visa-free travel to the EU. Before that fateful decision, Ukraine went from independence, so TSN.ia gathered key dates associated with this event.
The mandate to work on the road map of a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU the European Parliament gave the European Commission back in 2010. 20 APR 2011 the then President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych approved the document concerning the implementation of the action plan on visa liberalization.
November 28-29 summit in Vilnius at the behest of Yanukovych was derailed by the signing of the Association agreement between Ukraine and the EU suspended the process of European integration, however, after the revolution of Dignity Ukraine has fulfilled all the tasks set her for visa liberalization.
On 11 may, the Council of Ministers adopted the final decision on granting bezveza Ukrainians. Now the decision must be published in the “Official Gazette of the EU.” Note that you can exercise your right to bezviz roughly from June 11 will be eligible only Ukrainians with biometric passports to travel abroad.
Details of key dates on the way to visa-free travel, see the infographics.