The Cabinet plans for two years completely to refuse of anthracite coal

The Minister of energy and coal industry Igor Nasaliki declared that in two years Ukranna may opt-out of anthracite coal.
He said this at a government meeting, reports the Economic truth.
“Anthracite group completely replaced with a gas coal group. That is, we expect that in 2019 we will be completely independent from the anthracites. Of course, the concept is aimed at domestic production of gas coal,” said Nasalik.
According to the Minister, in 2017 Ukraine will spend 7 million tons of anthracite, while in the past year used a 10.6 million tons.
Recall that the Slavic thermal power plant in Nikolayevka planning has suspended its workto accumulate anthracite coal until the summer. It was then that the power system of Ukraine is traditionally the most load. It was the penultimate power stations on the territory controlled by Ukraine, which was suspended. Left to work only at Luganskaya TPP, which is not disable for possible failures in the power system.