Jalaludin builds the first house with Glass Wall system

Press release
The uniqueness of this technology is a combination of huge areas of glazing and high energy efficiency of the building.
“Elite new Busov Hill located in prestigious neighborhood near the Menagerie of the Botanical garden in Pechersk. The house is on a hill, because of this, even on the lower floors of the complex offer splendid views of the garden, the Dnieper, the houses on the Left Bank and Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the monument “Motherland”. The desire to maximize the use of such specific characteristics and resulted in the decision to apply a “Glass Wall,” explains the company’s Director of developer Jalaludin Igor Klepach.
Bold idea require a decent technical implementation. So, for the strength and durability of the window designs in the LCD Busov Hill applies only aluminum profile premium Schueco (Germany). For glazing use energy efficient sunscreen glass American brand Guardian. Despite the large areas of glazing, LCD Busov Hill will give odds to any capital building in terms of energy efficiency. To achieve such a result was obtained due to the special design – “warm spacer”, which serves as a barrier between the metal and the external environment, not allowing the profile to heat the apartment during the summer and cool in winter. In addition, all the walls are made of red brick effective and warmed basalt plate, thickness 2 – 2,5 times more than usual.
Thanks to its own gas boiler on the performance of boilers Viessmann (Germany), the LCD Busov Hill implemented individual heating. The system of smart meters that are installed in each apartment that saves on utility bills.
Apartments luxury buildings are really impressive: the bright, spacious rooms have window openings wider than 6 meters, which are completely filled with glass. In addition, each room is definitely ventilated, and, thanks to the innovative design of a “hidden wing”, Windows and outside and inside look maximize cast, creating a pattern of solid glass.
“This type of glazing in our country, first used in the construction of residential homes. We chose only premium materials, and all exterior work performed by the best specialists of Ukraine. However, panoramic Windows and high efficiency is a small part of the advantages and innovations of the Busov Hill. So, the house is designed unprecedented in its configuration, a Central hall with a ceiling height of 8 meters, a key element of which will be the series of waterfalls. Also great attention was paid to variety of common areas, security, building management systems. In addition, as befits the new premium class residential complex Busov Hill provided a small number of apartments in the house and on the floor, round the clock Concierge service and tiered access control system,” says Igor Klepach.
It is important that the innovation from “Jalaludin” liking people – most of the apartments in the Busov Hill have already found their owners. Assessed the architecture of the building and the experts of the construction market in the Bank Busov Hill many high-profile awards, including wins in the categories “Luxury building of the year” and “Best LCD luxury apartments in Kiev.” Today, the glazing of all of the apartments are fully completed, and in the summer of 2017, the building will be commissioned.