The Gongadze case and the statements by Lutsenko. Five things you might oversleep

Five things you could have slept:
1. The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said that the year was arrested about 1100 bribes and the cases already sent to court. That is, in Ukraine every day delay on 3 corrupt. Read more→
2. Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko told that a large-scale operation against the former tax officials of times of Victor Yanukovych was prepared for almost a year, at least eight months was the preparation for their detention. “It’s not the end of the operation. The helicopters will fly. Perhaps even more than the day”, – assured Yuriy Lutsenko. Read more→
3. Six months of time left on the post of General Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko. Such a statement he made in the program “Right to rule” on the channel “1+1”. In response to the question whether he sees himself the next President or Prime Minister of Ukraine, Lutsenko said: “I see myself as the Prosecutor General of Ukraine”. But the official noted that he wanted “to be an efficient and effective attorney General”. Read more→
4. The murder of journalist Georgiy Gongadze had not been completed and investigators have solid evidence that “not everyone will like”. “Finished work? No. We have important evidence that not everyone will like, but they are. The case is also under my personal control”, – he said. Lutsenko added that the investigation of Gongadze’s murder will be completed before the end of his term in the office of the Prosecutor General. Read more→
5. As of the first day of the government of ex-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in the Treasury there were 108 thousand hryvnia. “What does that mean? This means that when Yanukovych was totally plundered the country, the examination found that the total losses caused by the Yanukovych reaches 40 billion dollars. This is one of the annual expenditure budget,” he said. Read more→