Due to exorbitant prices cherry remains a delicacy

On the Ukrainian markets have started to sell cherries. For most buyers the price is exorbitant – 100 hryvnia for one kilogram.
This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”.
The berries in the markets until the local – imported from the southern regions, in particular, from Melitopol.
Cheaper cherries in Kiev can be found. Small berry asking for 50 hryvnia per kilogram. But retailers warn that the cherry watery, not too sweet and not too tasty.
Economic expert Elena Slezko explains that the price of cherries is high due to the cold spring and the snow and frostthat occurred at the peak of flowering trees. In high season the price should drop by half, cherries may even cost 18-20 hryvnia per kilogram.
To wait at least a week or two with the purchase of cherries suggest nutritionists and culinary experts. Early berry is a threat of poisoning by pesticides and other chemicals.
Meanwhile, agricultural experts say that due to spring frosts the price of fruit and berries this year will increase twice.