By 2020, Ukraine will refuse to import gas, the head of the subsidiary

Ukraine will substantially increase production of domestic gas by 2020, reduce its consumption, therefore it allows to refuse from the purchase of natural gas abroad.
In an interview with “New time” said the Chairman of the Board of the state enterprise “Ukrgazdobycha” Oleg Prokhorenko.
In 2017 the company shall increase gas production at 400-600 million cubic meters, up to 15-15,2 billion cubic meters. This will happen through intensification fields will use the current wells and shall restore the work “frozen”, where at the time accident happened. Will also build and upgrade the high pressure compressor stations would expand drilling.
“If now the production figures of this year to design the rest of the year, today this increase is about 300 million cubic meters. It is not a coincidence, it is the result of the work, the result of the implementation of our strategy, which we call 20/20. That is to achieve by 2020 increase gas production to 20 billion cubic meters,” said Prokhorenko.
Last year Ukraine consumed 33 billion cubic meters of gas. 20 billion cubic meters of its own production, 15 billion cubic meters of which occur in the state “Ukrgasdobycha” and the rest to private companies. Therefore, the need for imports amounted to 13 billion cubic meters.
The government’s “Concept of development of the gas industry” provides for the reduction of gas consumption in Ukraine in 2020 to 26 billion cubic meters.
Meanwhile, Ukraine is stored in underground storage gas in the winter.