The foreign Ministry does not exclude that the meeting “Norman Quartet” may take place after the summer holidays Merkel

Deputy foreign Minister Elena zerkal does not exclude the meeting of the leaders of the “Normandy format” (Ukraine, Germany, France, Russia – ed) in the summer.
She declared it on air “5 channel” – write Ukrainian news.
“I think the meeting in the summer is quite real. Merkel is very involved in this process, previously discussed, that this meeting will be held after her return from summer vacation” she said.
However, the Deputy Minister said that does not know the results of the meeting of Deputy Ministers “channel four”, held in Berlin.
See also:
The Kremlin said a phone conversation leaders “channel four” is scheduled for the days
We will remind, the day before, may 27 the newly elected President of France Emmanuel macron called for a meeting in “Norman format” in the near future.