Utility explosion in the Goloseevsky district could be repeated on Khreshchatyk

In Kiev passed the test, only 30% of the network, so similar to the recent explosion of the geyser from under the pavement may be repeated this summer anytime, anywhere. Place utility accident in goloseyevsky area was cleared using a crane and excavator, says the story TSN.19:30.
Despite a resonant event in the dispatch center capital purposes again increased the pressure of hydraulic tests at this time concerned the downtown. Of the existing 15 atmospheres pressure raised to a quarter higher than normal – up to 24. In the accident in the Goloseevsky district managers observed a sharp drop of up to 15, and this time the pressure is also falling, but gradually and only by a few points. This means a small pipe, which have to find, fix and recheck pressure. “This year, we spent about 30% of the test – we have 550 damage,” – said the chief engineer of thermal networks Anton Vasiliev.