Groisman announced the official presentation of the pension reform

The government will present a draft pension reform and will forward it for consideration by the National Council of reforms as soon as next week. This promise was given by Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman during his working visit to Mariupol, according to a story TSN.19:30.
If reform is to take place, almost 6 million pensioners will receive a monthly thousand more. The new law also expands the list of professions with the right to preferential retirement. And pensioners who work will not pay extra taxes.
The head of government assured that the reform project has already been agreed with employers and trade unions. “The next time I hear the reform itself. Hear the views of parliamentarians to make, I believe that this fundamental, historic reform in the interests of Ukrainian pensioners and working people. From 1 October it will be a new pension system, the pensions of people will be raised”, – promised Groisman.