Attacked Osmayev legalized through marriage to a Ukrainian media

Ex-volunteer ATO Amin Okueva found the killer who shot in Kiev with her husband Adam Osmayev.
She stated in the comment “Censor.NO.”
The man, who introduced himself as Amin and Adam as a correspondent of the French newspaper “Le Monde” Alex Werner, and had a Ukrainian passport in the name of Alexander of Dakar, in fact – the citizen of the Russian Federation Arthur Denislav, a native of Chechnya, widely known in criminal circles of St. Petersburg under other names and nicknames – Kurmakaev, Krinari, Tishchenko, Bucket, Dingo.
Facebook/Igor Mosiychuk
Denislav repeatedly changed passports and documents by marriages, and was involved in several criminal cases and criminal proceedings, including cases of death threats and fraud in Russia and in Austria, so it immediately recognized the Russian press. According to the newspaper, the investigation found that Denislav legalized in Ukraine, also by marriage with the citizen of Ukraine and a scheme of falsifying documents in a few authorities.
A corrupt official that issued the original documents for legalization of the criminal have detained, he works the investigation.
Soon will be published all the names and the scheme itself.