Another Ukrainian Bank decided to self-destruct

Shareholders plan to eliminate the Ukrainian Bank “New”. This decision should take on June 26 at the General meeting.
“To stop the implementation of banking activities public joint stock company “joint stock commercial Bank “New” in the manner specified by article 2 of the law of Ukraine “On simplification of procedures of reorganization and capitalization of banks”, without stopping after the revocation of the banking license activities in accordance with the license for realization of professional activities on the stock market (trading activities in securities brokerage activities)”, – is spoken in the draft decision of the General meeting on the Bank’s website.
We will remind, in March of this year the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine allowed the state enterprise “Design Bureau “southern” to increase the share capital in the Bank “New” to 50%. This writes UNIAN. According to the national Bank, “South” owned 18.3% of the shares of the Bank. Other shareholders of Bank are physical persons with shares less than 10% of the shares. Bank “New” works in the market of Ukraine since 1992. According to the NBU, the Bank is “New” on April 1, 2017 in terms of assets (UAH million 770,59) took 58th place out of 90 banks that were working at that time in Ukraine.