Barna said that he was driving during the accident

Deputy Oleg Barna personally was driving a car during the night of the collision with the tramand in the car besides him was empty.
This he told TSN via telephone.
See also:
The MP barn is in the hospital after an overnight accident
Also, the MP assured that he was sober. At the same time, the Bar refuses to tell how the accident occurred: on the question of how fast you were going and how I didn’t see the tram, the Deputy did not answer.
As Barna does not want to tell about your state of health, says that everything is fine, they say “the gift of rest” in the hospital.
We will remind, the car, at the wheel which was the people’s Deputy from “Blok of Petro Poroshenko” Oleg Barna, at high speed crashed into the night the train at the Victory square in Kiev. Blow was such force that a 20-ton train off the track and the front of the car has become a pile of scrap metal. To prevent fire, several witnesses immediately rushed to pour auto extinguishers. According to eyewitnesses, was driving it to the MP, he was taken to the hospital. Details of the doctors was not disclosed. The cause of the accident find law enforcement officers.