The lifting of the moratorium on sale of land: how many acres and who will buy

Next year Ukraine plans to cancel the moratorium on sale of agricultural land and to run their business. However, there are limitations: physical person-citizen of Ukraine shall have the right to purchase up to 200 acres of land, but family farming is not more than one thousand hectares.
On this forum on development of the Ukrainian economy as Kiev said the head of the Office for the attraction and support of investments under the Cabinet of Ministers Daniel Bilak, UNIAN reports.
“There is a lot of speculation about the land reform. I can tell you that the government plans. To quickly summarize: 200 hectares of land to citizens of Ukraine. The Prime Minister made a compromise, and is likely to be the addition to the bill, which will allow you to buy up to one thousand acres of land to farms owned by families,” said Bilak.
Recall, land reform, i.e. the lifting of the moratorium and the launch of the land market, is one of the requirements of the International monetary Fund to continue lending program.