In the “Naftogaz” has told, whether Ukraine will buy gas from Russia

“Naftogaz of Ukraine” considers possibility of purchase of gas from Russian “Gazprom” in the future. However, this will happen provided that will be changed separate conditions recorded in the current contract of 2009, and will be reduced price.
In an interview with “New time” said the chief commercial Director of the group “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Yuriy Vitrenko.
“We do not exclude the possibility that, when after the final decision (Stockholm arbitration), the contract will be changed, we start within it to buy gas from “Gazprom”. And the parties now about these changes, trying to negotiate. And if it does not, then the arbitration will make the decision. We demanded the revision of prices in the future, and this means that we put the possibility of buying Russian gas contract with Gazprom until the end of 2019. Important nuance. It’s not a question of our desire. We, acting in good faith in accordance with the current contract that was agreed to Yulia Vladimirovna (Tymoshenko) with Vladimir Vladimirovich (Putin), and in certain situations needs to buy Russian gas. But in the new conditions determined by the Stockholm arbitration”, – said Vitrenko.
He assures that Russia has no leverage to blackmail Ukraine in the gas issue.
“The principles that determined the arbitration, will not allow “Gazprom” to blackmail us,” – says Vitrenko.
In “Naftogaz” also said compensation from “Gazprom” and the decline in wholesale gas prices.
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