Poroshenko has signed the repeal of the controversial “law Savchenko”

President Petro Poroshenko has signed the law “On amendments to the criminal code of Ukraine concerning the rules of addition of punishments and the enrollment period preceding the conclusion of” No. 2046-VIII. This document amends the scandalous part of the “law of Savchenko”.
About it reports a press-service of the President.
Note that this law needs to improve the promotion and protection of the rights and freedoms of people, their property, and public order and security from criminal attacks.
See also:
“What problems?”: Savchenko commented on the repeal part of its law
The law, which was signed by Poroshenko proposes to replace in the new edition of part five of article 72 “the principle of addition of punishments and the enrollment period preceding the conclusion” of the Criminal code of Ukraine.
According to this article, pretrial detention was counted by the court in the sentence in case of conviction to imprisonment day after day or according to the rules specified in part one of this article.
Videobr canceled “Savchenko’s law”, which allowed to be released thousands of criminals
TSN. 19:30
18 may, 20:36
According to the law, the punishments not specified in paragraph one of article 72, the court considering a preliminary conclusion, may mitigate the punishment or totally release the convicted person from serving it.
The law shall enter into force on the day following the day of its publication.
Recall, the Verkhovna Rada on Thursday, may 18, considered changes in the “law Savchenko”. Held a roll-call vote on the consideration under the abbreviated procedure of the draft Law on amendments to the criminal code of Ukraine (concerning the principle of addition of punishments and the enrollment period of the previous conclusion) No. 5534. For the abolition of the controversial parts voted 174 MP.
In turn, people’s Deputy Nadezhda Savchenko appealed to President Poroshenko with a demand to veto the abolition of the “law Savchenko” regarding the rules of addition of punishments and crediting period of the previous findings, citing a violation of the Constitution.