The Cabinet undertook to solve the problem off the hot water in Kiev

“Kievtransgaz” has received an order from the Ministry of energy and coal industry of Ukraine to connect to the network CHPP-6 in Kyiv to restore hot water supply in several major areas of Kiev.
This was on a conference call said the head of the Ministry Igor Nasalik.
“On behalf of the Vice Prime Minister Volodymyr Kistion the Ministry gave the Protocol instructions to “Transgas” (“Kintango” — ed.) to connect to pressure CHP-6, but for 5 days this issue isn’t solved, without explaining why,” leads “Economic truth” his quote.
See also:
As “Kyivenergo” Kiev tempers. Why in the capital, no hot water
Nasalik called Groysman to give the same instruction.
As previously reported, on may 30 “kievtransgaz” stopped gas supply to CHPP-6, which provides hot water Kiev district Obolon, Troyeshchyna, rainbow and Forest.
The reason for the debt, “kievtransgaz” stop gas CHP plant №6. It provides hot water all year, and in the winter heats in Kyiv nearly two thousand homes, 40 hospitals and more than a dozen kindergartens.
Videocamere district of Kiev were left without hot water indefinitely
TSN. 12:00
May 31, 12:41