“Naftogaz” reduced the price of gas for industrial consumers

From July 1,”Naftogaz of Ukraine” reduces by 3% compared to June gas prices for industrial consumers and other economic entities – UAH c 7430,4 to 7208 UAH per thousand cubic meters.
The cost can vary depending on the volume of purchases, payment terms and the status of previous calculations of “Naftogaz”, said the company. The minimum price will be granted to those consumers who buy more than 50 million cubic meters per month and pay it off in time.
The maximum price will decrease by 2.9% – from UAH to 8008,8 8250 UAH per thousand cubic meters.
In “Naftogaz” promises a reduction in wholesale gas prices in case of a victory in the Stockholm arbitration case against the Russian “Gazprom” on the gas price, conditions of purchase and transit the territory of Ukraine.
Recall, for individuals in Ukraine cubic meters of gas worth UAH 6,879.