Bread truce, attacks on the OSCE and security. What he was talking about the contact group in Minsk

In Minsk the trilateral contact group, supported by the local councils about the beginning of the so-called bread of the truce – observance of the regime of silence at the time of harvest from June 24 to 2017 and beyond.
About this Facebook reported the press Secretary of Leonid Kuchma Daria olifer.
“The Ukrainian side is outraged by another case of aggression against the SMM patrol of the OSCE, which took place in uncontrolled Ukraine Yasinovataya 20 Jun 2017. We strongly condemn this attempt to intimidate the staff of the mission required to find and punish the perpetrators. On-site ORDO there is more violence and threats against the staff of the mission. Thus, starting from 23 April 2017, when the territory of ORLO died tragically representative of SMM, every third day there are serious incidents related to the security of SMM of the OSCE”, – stated in the message.
Cluster security is the key to the implementation of the entire package of the Minsk agreements. Full and sustainable cease -…
Posted Darka Olifer 21 June 2017 R.
According to her, in the humanitarian sub-group is in the process of harmonization of the lists. “Cancel the expropriation of Ukrainian and European companies in ORDO; denunciation of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the recognition of documents issued by pseudoplatani ORDO; refusal of the establishment of the so-called “border” and the ruble zone in non-government controlled parts of Donbass; the establishment of a working sub-group on Ukrainian-Russian border – it is these issues should be on agenda of the political sub-group,” said olifer.
In the economic sub-group has continued working to ensure the life of the infrastructure of Donbass.
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Payment of arrears for water not controlled by the Luhansk and verification of the hostages. What was said in Minsk
“Cluster security – the key to the implementation of the entire package of the Minsk agreements. Full and sustainable ceasefire, the withdrawal from the territory of Ukraine Russian military formations and heavy weaponry, the access of the OSCE SMM to the entire section of the Ukrainian-Russian border, these conditions are basic and fundamental for progress in all areas”, – stated in the message.
We will remind that earlier ended verification (checking) of persons who have committed crimes against Ukraine, but which may have mercy for the sake of liberation of Ukrainians-hostages illegally held in the occupied territories in the Donbas.
This was announced by the representative of Ukraine in the humanitarian sub-group Irina Gerashchenko.
“In the list of those who call for release of representatives ORDO, there are several people who do not wish to move to the occupied territories. The process verific took place under the coordination of the OSCE with the participation of the office of the Ombudsman and the security service, also several women-mothers of those who committed crimes,” she said.
“The verification process of those held in prisons and limited procedural rights, lasted from 28 April to 12 may. During this time the group traveled more than 14 thousand kilometers, visited 20 regions visited in 37 penal institutions,” summed up Gerashchenko.
See also:
Payment of arrears for water not controlled by the Luhansk and verification of the hostages. What was said in Minsk
Video settings Minsk discussed the lists of persons who may be to convey to the militants in exchange for the Ukrainians
TSN. Wounds
On 8 June, 08:14