Buy appliances? – ask for a fiscal receipt

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How to protect yourself from low-quality electrical appliances?
Furniture and things has not come back – everything was completely burned or permanently covered with soot. Natalia shows her apartment, which recently had a fire. Now the house a little tidy, but two months ago a woman with three kids literally left on the street.
We have only stayed in what was, – says Natalya from Zaporizhia and considers the losses, cursing himself for excessive thrift. The apartment is flashed from-for short circuits that occurred in the heater, purchased on the market.
We are not interested in who the manufacturer is as involved appliances in Ukraine, what is now very sorry. Us a “cheaper” cost is very expensive, – says Natalya.
For more than a month, Ukraine has a law under which the equipment warranty must sell only with the fiscal receipt. But about the buyer thinks last. Because of the desire to save. This is the cause of most fires in residential buildings. Only in the Zaporozhye region, where Natalia lives, for 2017 occurred 174 fire.
Often this occurs when people use for home appliances of low quality, dubious origin, thus they are unable to prevent fires and protect their property from fire, – the chief of sector on public relations with the media and the public of GU gschs in the Zaporozhye area Yulia Barysheva.
Information about the origin of the goods and the possibility to demand from the seller compensation for damages from him, is a fiscal receipt, which always lists the details of the seller, and not a receipt written by hand, where there is the possibility to miss relevant information.
It knows Victoria from Kiev. At the end of last year, she bought a video camera and accessories to it, but after a few days the technique has failed. In the store to replace the product or return the money to Victoria refused, then with the fiscal receipt, she turned to the state foods and consumer service of Ukraine.
– All replaced, I am happy and grateful, now I know that an appeal to the state foods and consumer service, if you have a fiscal receipt and a duly executed statement always helps, says Victoria.
No receipt chances of compensation would be minimal. Last year, out of 5,000 complaints of customers, the state foods and consumer service can only help half. Other consumers are unable to prove the purchase. Experts warn – the purchase of equipment of dubious origin can cost not only property, but life and health.
– While official complaints from consumers on non-issuance of a fiscal receipt when purchasing complex equipment on the guarantee was not, but there were phone calls “What do I do when I want to buy equipment, and I refuse to give fiscal cash receipt”, – said acting Deputy Chairman of Gospodarevskaya Lily, Stirenko. – We conduct explanatory work that all sellers are obliged to issue a fiscal receipt, but if he does not, then he might have problems with the origin of the goods. That is a fiscal receipt is a document that contains all the information about the product and the seller that will protect consumer rights in case there are any problems.
Background: According to estimates of market research Institute GfK, in 2016, the informal sector of the electronics market ranged from 20% in the segment of large household appliances and up to 35% in the sectors of consumer electronics and telecommunication equipment. The shadow is 20% of the market for notebooks, tablets, mobile phones; up to 25% of the market cameras; up to 10% of the TV market.
From 8 may 2017 the complex appliances with warranty card in Ukraine must be sold with the fiscal receipt. From that day came into force the decision of the Cabinet dated March 16, 2017 No. 231, defining a list of more than 300 kinds of products subject to the requirement. In particular, we are talking about large appliances with warranty card – refrigerators, stoves, pumps, boilers, air conditioners, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, boilers, printers, scanners, laptops, phones, TVs.