“Volomedia” in the Donbass: there are new victims and the risk that people will remain without drinking water

In the Donbass broke the so-called “bread peace”. A cease-fire at least to the time of harvest was agreed in the beginning of the week in Minsk. The weapon was silenced from June 24 to the end of summer.
But for the first day, the militants fired at the Ukrainian positions 26 times from heavy machine guns. That is, those bullets that destroy even a brick wall. This is stated in the plot of TSN.Week.
And another shot from mortars, from which you can not hide in the trenches, because flying projectiles from above. Anti-tank missiles, conventional guns. Saw Ukrainian soldiers shoot at the Ukrainian positions and the Russian infantry fighting vehicle.
Two Ukrainian soldiers died on the first day of this “voloire”. And three more – are wounded. How to collect bread, nobody knows. And the drone of the OSCE found and killed South Donbass water supply – without water can stay half a million people.
Videosa first day “bread truce” of the attacks killed two Ukrainian military
TSN. Week
Today, 20:22