Parubiy has revealed ambitious plans for the last week Happy summer

A number of important bills have one of the plenary week prior to the beginning of summer vacations deputies. Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy recalls that before you go to fall, MPs should consider judicial, medical, educational and pension reforms, says the story TSN.19:30.
Touch parliamentarians and personnel issues, in particular, will appoint a new CEC members. Also, MPs can consider the submission on the removal of immunity of the five colleagues who made by the General Prosecutor’s office and pending in rules Committee.
The speaker hoped that MPs will work intensively, and if not – will continue in September. “We will make every effort not to disturb the procedure and to consider them. It’s not easy. You can see that for every reform that goes through Parliament, will take time. and we are doing reforms in many spheres”, – said Parubiy.
Videodo holidays, the deputies should have time to consider a number of extremely important bills, – paruby
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:57