Boiling engines and wound on a wheel asphalt: as Kiev-Borispol highway were in terrible traffic

On Thursday movement in the direction of the capital airport of Kiev was paralyzed because of the accident. Boryspil highway collided with three cars, one of which caught fire, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The accident occurred at about 11:00 a.m. and did not affect the movement from Boryspil to the capital. But back traffic jams stretched for several kilometers. To drive was possible, but very slow convoy of vehicles in multiple lanes was moving at a speed that pedestrians walk.
Video surveillance Boryspil highway was formed many kilometers tube due to an accident
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:19
In the incredible heat of this load is not maintained or engines and asphalt. Journalists noticed the car with the hood open, every 50 meters. Boil like old Soviet cars and modern SUVs. The trucks and wheels removed a fresh patch avtodorovtsy – asphalt wound right on the tires.