For residents increased tariffs for the maintenance of buildings is 1.5-2 times

In Kiev began to operate the new tariffs for maintenance of houses, for which the prices of such tariffs increased by 1.5-2 times. The corresponding decree of 6 June 2017 was published on the website of the KSCA
So, in the tariff for the maintenance of the house and the local area include the costs of cleaning, maintenance of elevators, garbage removal, minor repairs.
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The new rates are provided for 8327 houses of the capital. The average size of the tariff will rise to 6.43 UAH per 1 sq. m, now it is 3-5 UAH, depending on the appetites of the management of the company.
If raising the prices for house maintenance and local area the apartment is 70 square meters needed on average to pay 210 hryvnia, after the price increase the amount in the payment will increase to 471 of the hryvnia.
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The July price increase: prices rise on food, rent and public transportation
As noted by the Deputy Chairman of the KCSA Petr Panteleyev, thanks to the new tariffs will be raised wages to employees of working professions, as well as plans to increase the volume of funds on current repairs, maintenance of lifts and other pressing needs in housing.
Kyiv authorities leaves the possibility to pay for a service with a 10% discount if payment is made before the 20th of the month. As specified in the KSCA, the increase will take effect July 1, 2017, and to pay the new rates Ukrainians since August 1.
Video settings August the people of Kiev will receive new bills with more than double the rent
TSN. 19:30
June 17, 20:23