Until the end of the summer, the NEB plans to transfer to the court of 6-7 high-profile cases – Sytnik

Some managers of large state enterprises were under the supervision of NABOO. Until the end of summer, the Bureau plans to transfer to the court of 6-7 high-profile cases.
This broadcast “5 channel” said the head of NABOO Sytnyk.
“We believe that we really need to bring court proceedings against Nasirov, in relation to the head of the CEC, for “amber” case against Martynenko. Also there are so many cases against the leaders of large state enterprises — there is not a loud name, but a very large amount. These are the things that we will try until the end of summer to bring to trial”, — said the head of NABOO.
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Manafort and “black accounting” PR: NABU and SAP disown investigation
He also added that the investigators anti-corruption Bureau believe that it is IN NABOO again confirmed the authenticity of the signatures of the stations in the “barn book” Party of regions, Chairman of the CEC Mikhail Okhendovsky has enough evidence to transfer to the court.
Recall that on 30 June 2017 the investigators of the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine under the procedural guidance of prosecutors Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office completed pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against two employees of the security Service of Ukraine on the grounds of committing criminal offense under part 4 St. 368 and p. 3 article 369-2 of the Criminal code of Ukraine (“Adoption of the offer, promise or obtaining illegal benefit by the official”). On the same day the indictment is sent to court.
See also:
Inflated prices and plundered the property of: NABU exposed the criminal scheme of transport 1.5 billion UAH
“The investigation established that the suspects are the chief of sector of Department of contradic economy (Lieutenant Colonel) one of the regional departments of the SBU and the Deputy chief of Department of the same management (major), acting by prior conspiracy with a group of people, demanded and received from business entities undue benefit in the amount of 50 thousand dollars. The United States for the failure pressure on their business. Detectives NABOO documented the fact of receiving a brokered half of this amount from the heads of two commercial companies”, – said the Agency.